With four episodes left in season five I count at least three major events from the books that could make it into this season, maybe four. I’m pretty sure at least two of them will. Spoilers ahead.
So what are these events?
- The betrayal and stabbing of Jon Snow
- The blinding of Arya
- Cersei’s shaming
- Daenerys flying on Drogon
It seems certain that the third of these has been filmed and so will definitely appear. It seems very likely that the betrayal of Jon Snow will feature in episode 10 and that more than one major event will feature in that episode. It seems likely that at least one of the events on the list will appear in an earlier episode leaving one or more of the others to also appear in episode 10. Given that the series has moved past and deviated from the books to some extent there is scope for at least one other major event that isn’t in the books. I won’t have to wait long to find out if I’m right.