William Goodall's Blog Occasional mutterings

December 28, 2009

Six Feet Under

Filed under: Television,Trivia — William_T_Goodall @ 17:02

Finished watching season one of Six Feet Under yesterday. I’d managed to miss this show somehow so now I’m catching up with the complete box set which was on sale at Amazon. The first season was very good and I’m looking forward to the rest. It’s one of those shows that was made during the transition to widescreen so the first two seasons are in 4:3 aspect ratio and the last three are in 16:9.

Another show I never saw that I got the complete box set of is The Wire – a show that many critics deem the best TV drama show ever made. I’ll eventually get around to that. I still have to watch the last two seasons of The Shield first.

Split Seasons

Filed under: Television,Trivia — William_T_Goodall @ 16:49

It started a couple of years ago on some of the cable channels but now it’s spreading. TV shows getting split into two mini-seasons per year with months between. I see some network shows aren’t returning in 2010 until March or even April – that’s a four month hiatus between the halves of the season. Some cable shows have even longer breaks.

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