William Goodall's Blog Occasional mutterings

November 17, 2014


Filed under: Uncategorized — William_T_Goodall @ 13:40

Got new white goods in the last couple of weeks as the old ones had either stopped working completely or were getting there.

The previous dishwasher pump broke which is what started the upgrade cycle. Decided to replace it rather than try and get it fixed since it had already had other problems before. New dishwasher. This is our third dishwasher since 2001.


The old washing machine kept stopping with errors during the cycle.

New washing machine. This is our fourth washing machine since 2001.


The old dryer had to be thumped in the right spot to make it start and the timer didn’t work.

New dryer. This is our second dryer since 2001.


September 27, 2013

Electrical fault

Filed under: Insides,Uncategorized — William_T_Goodall @ 16:00

On the 25th we had a ten-minute power outage. This is very unusual – normally years go by without a power cut around here. A little later in the day several vans arrived and men dug a hole in the pavement in front of my front door. They found what they were looking for and cut the power (not my power – it’s still on). They need a bigger hole to replace a section of cable.


The next day they put up lots of no parking bollards and put notes in windshields waiting for the parked cars to go away.


Today they dug the rest of the hole, patched up the fault in the cable and went away.

IMG_5975 IMG_5976 IMG_5978

I expect somebody will come and fill the hole in again soon.

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