William Goodall's Blog Occasional mutterings

November 29, 2016

Bean to Cup

Filed under: Food & Drink,Unboxing — William_T_Goodall @ 19:54

Bought a new bean to cup coffee machine for Xmas and decided to put it to use rather than leave it boxed for a month. The notion was that the running costs would be considerably less than using Tassimo pods. Some experimentation will be required to get a cup of coffee the way we want it.


November 21, 2016


Filed under: Books,IT,Unboxing — William_T_Goodall @ 22:17

I’ve been reading ebooks for many years now, and the ratio of ebooks to printed has been shifting in favour of ebooks until recently I’ve only been buying graphic novels in print form. So it made sense to finally get an actual reader to use apart from the computer screen and Mrs Wife kindly bought me a Kindle for my recent birthday. I added a case for it with a gift voucher I had.


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