William Goodall's Blog Occasional mutterings

December 11, 2014

Pegler i-Temp

Filed under: DIY,IT,Unboxing — William_T_Goodall @ 14:01

New heating controllers for the winter. Five TRV heads, a window sensor and a remote control. Discovered a leaky TRV body when installing them so that will need a plumber.

IMG_6260 - Version 2 IMG_6263

Installed window sensor using provided double-sided sticky pads.


May get another remote so I can have one for the office and one for the living room.


I got a ‘buy three get one free’ deal and got five for the price of four.



Filed under: Unboxing — William_T_Goodall @ 13:49


New Amazon Basics shredder is quiet and shreds well. I got it on a 20% off sale.

November 17, 2014


Filed under: Uncategorized — William_T_Goodall @ 13:40

Got new white goods in the last couple of weeks as the old ones had either stopped working completely or were getting there.

The previous dishwasher pump broke which is what started the upgrade cycle. Decided to replace it rather than try and get it fixed since it had already had other problems before. New dishwasher. This is our third dishwasher since 2001.


The old washing machine kept stopping with errors during the cycle.

New washing machine. This is our fourth washing machine since 2001.


The old dryer had to be thumped in the right spot to make it start and the timer didn’t work.

New dryer. This is our second dryer since 2001.


October 3, 2014

USB power

Filed under: iOS,IT,Unboxing — William_T_Goodall @ 13:32

To power the BL-MP01 wireless access point in the lounge. The previous USB power supply got recalled.

IMG_6178 IMG_6179 IMG_6180

August 10, 2014

Another New HDD

Filed under: IT,Unboxing — William_T_Goodall @ 11:06

I now have a 3TB, 4TB and 5TB drive. I imagine this will enable me to move my files around until I have everything backed up and room to put new stuff and a backup in a streamlined way. Once I work it out.

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Filed under: Apple,iOS,IT,Unboxing — William_T_Goodall @ 11:03

Twenty years, so I got the wife this.

IMG_6161 IMG_6162 IMG_6163

July 5, 2014


Filed under: Apple,iOS,IT,Unboxing — William_T_Goodall @ 15:15

I got this to provide WiFi downstairs. It plugs into the router attached to the wired ethernet and provides a WiFi point for mobile devices like iPod Touch or iPad.


The pocket travel bit wasn’t relevant to my needs – it was just the cheapest suitable device I could find at £8.95. It does need a spare USB power supply though as it doesn’t come with one. It does have a USB cable and an ethernet cable.


I telneted into it and saw Busybox. It didn’t seem to be configurable that way though, I had to get the web interface working on which meant temporarily setting up one Mac on 192.168.16.xxx so I could connect it to the ethernet port and do the settings. It needed a reboot between every setting to get them to stick but it is a once-off. Now it has an SSID and a password of my choosing.

June 25, 2014

New Boots

Filed under: Unboxing — William_T_Goodall @ 14:33

Got these in advance of the current pair wearing out.


New external HDD

Filed under: Apple,IT,Unboxing — William_T_Goodall @ 14:31

4TB USB 3 drive to reorganise and back up stuff from my 3TB Firewire 800 drive which is nearly full.

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Used to be Hitachi Global Storage Technologies now part of Western Digital. The very similar TOURO DX3 uses the greener 5400 RPM drive.



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Optical Splitter

Filed under: Music,Television,Unboxing — William_T_Goodall @ 14:28

I got this optical splitter to take the single digital optical audio out from my TV and split it two ways, one for the 5.1 home theatre amplifier and one for the headphones. I also got a D/A converter and a headphone amplifier.


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