William Goodall's Blog Occasional mutterings

November 20, 2009

Some Claim Android App Store Worse Than iPhone’s

Filed under: Apple,iOS,IT — William_T_Goodall @ 21:47

eldavojohn writes “If you think the iPhone app store is the only mobile game store suffering an exodus, some game publishers claim Android’s app store isn’t much better, for a different reason — it doesn’t generate much revenue. In fact, French game developer Gameloft (which owes 13% of its profits to iPhone game sales), said, ‘We have significantly cut our investment in Android platform, just like… many others. It is not as neatly done as on the iPhone. Google has not been very good to entice customers to actually buy products. On Android nobody is making significant revenue. We are selling 400 times more games on iPhone than on Android.’ So the trade-off seems to be more sales but an annoying approval process, versus a lack of sales promotions and no annoyance around approval. It seems that those in it for money will opt for iPhone, and those in it for distribution will opt for Android. Or maybe someone will get it right one of these days?”Read more of this story at Slashdot. [From Some Claim Android App Store Worse Than iPhone’s]

A hint that Android isn’t going to overtake the iPhone as easily as some commentators have assumed.

Mostly posted to test the Shrook->ecto->WordPress workflow.

iPod Touch

Filed under: Apple,iOS,Trivia — William_T_Goodall @ 20:28

Just testing blogging from my iPod Touch. Using the WordPress 2 app. Seems to work fine.

Pip napping.

Filed under: Greyhounds — William_T_Goodall @ 14:28

Just testing ecto to see if it is useful.


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