Got a new gas lift for the office chair. Fitting it was slightly harder than the youtube videos made it look and as well as a rubber mallet I needed a mole wrench, hex key and needle-nose pliers. Still, it only took about twenty minutes and I had a seat that went up higher than before and shouldn’t randomly collapse on me 🙂
May 8, 2015
March 27, 2015
September 27, 2013
Electrical fault
On the 25th we had a ten-minute power outage. This is very unusual – normally years go by without a power cut around here. A little later in the day several vans arrived and men dug a hole in the pavement in front of my front door. They found what they were looking for and cut the power (not my power – it’s still on). They need a bigger hole to replace a section of cable.
The next day they put up lots of no parking bollards and put notes in windshields waiting for the parked cars to go away.
Today they dug the rest of the hole, patched up the fault in the cable and went away.
I expect somebody will come and fill the hole in again soon.
May 31, 2013
Dishwasher Repair
This dishwasher rear rail cap cost £3.45 including delivery. It arrived this morning and I fitted it. Now the top shelf of the dishwasher doesn’t fall off its rails when you pull it out.
June 8, 2012
Another Dead HomePlug
Just stopped working. Opened it up for a look. Ordered replacement 85Mbps unit. The 1000Mbps now cost the same so next time I might replace all four with newer ones.
September 23, 2010
DVD Home Theatre repair
Time to replace the DVD unit in the home theatre again.
It was a quicker job this time. I didn’t lose any of my settings like region free or speaker delay. Successfully played my filthy rental DVD in time to return it for the next one 🙂
July 3, 2010
D-Link DNS-323
The box containing the DNS-323 and the cheapest compatible drive I could find (which was a 500GB) arrives and is unpacked.
NAS and HD in boxes.
Western Digital Caviar Blue 500GB.
Eco-friendly cardboard packaging on the DNS-323.
It is even smaller than I expected.
Cables, power brick.
It seems quite nicely made.
Side by side with HD before installation.
Another view.
Rear view.
Front cover just slides off to slide in drive(s)
Assembled and hacked in short order. Got lighthttpd mySQL and PHP running. Just a bit of tweaking and hardening and then I’ll find a place to tuck it away out of sight and save some desk space 🙂
Tucked away in the home theatre cabinet with other fan-bearing gadgets.
February 7, 2010
DVD lens cleaning
Today I opened up my home theatre system to clean the lens on the DVD player with a cotton bud and some isopropyl alcohol as it was beginning to get a bit fussy about rental disks (which tend to be dirty). This was the first time I’ve had to clean it since replacing the whole DVD drive mechanism a while back. It should work with occasional cleaning for a few more months and then I’ll need to replace the whole optical drive again. Or get a new home theatre system.
This is what it looks like inside from when I replaced the drive mechanism.
New drive installed except for attaching the cables.
The old drive before it came out.
January 25, 2010
Dead USB Hub
My cheap USB hub died the other day. Inside is a bit wibbly wobbly so I’m not surprised. Let’s see if the new one lasts longer.
January 3, 2010
HomePlug inside
For the curious, what it looks like inside. Don’t do this at home.
Top cover off. The transparent plastic fork thing is the light guide to take the LED lights from the circuit board to the outside.
ARM license CPU.
See HomePlug Turbo