William Goodall's Blog Occasional mutterings

December 27, 2016


Filed under: Books,Game Of Thrones,Holidays,Movies,Television — William_T_Goodall @ 21:07

Lovely prezzies.


July 14, 2016

Prime Day

Filed under: Books,IT,Movies,Television,Unboxing — William_T_Goodall @ 18:21

Prime day (July 12) came and went and I got an Amazon Fire TV Stick for £19.95. It shipped a day late with a book I had ordered earlier and arrived 14th. I already had a discounted Prime membership I got earlier so after hooking it up I am all ready to watch shows like Mr Robot, Preacher, Braindead & American Gothic.


SKY HD on HDMI 1, Fire on HDMI 3 and Blu-Ray player on HDMI 4. Just one HDMI input left free!


The biggest problem I had setting it up was typing my WiFi password incorrectly a few times due to being unable to read my own scribbles. There were no issues working with the YAMAHA receiver as expected. Apparently the Fire Stick doesn’t work properly with some makes/models of home theatre equipment but there is no official compatibility list.

April 24, 2016

Game of Thrones Season Six

Filed under: Game Of Thrones,Television — William_T_Goodall @ 17:50

Just a few hours until the first episode of season 6 of Game of Thrones. Just over a week since I finished rewatching season five on Blu-Ray at the rate of two episodes on Fridays. Rewatching S5 on Blu-Ray I realised that it was better paced and plotted than I had realised on originally watching the broadcast. Another show that benefits from binge-watching. Now that the show is (almost) completely past the published books (although I’m sure the show-runners are well-acquainted with the unpublished material) it’s hard to predict what might be in the first episode (beyond the unavoidable spoilers in trailers and such).

It seems the question of whether Jon Snow lives again might not be answered in the first episode either way, but if so it will need to be addressed by the second episode as he is too important a character to be in limbo for much of the season.

Which of the many characters appear in the first episode and which are left to be visited in episode two is also hard to guess. Now that many of the characters are beginning to meet up in larger groupings it is possible that all the important locales could be visited in a single episode. Except that new characters, and previous characters we haven’t seen for a while, are being (re)introduced so the scattering continues.

Since it has been publicised that the show hits the ground running this season rather than spending an episode or two re-establishing things it is also possible that fairly major plot developments and incidents could happen as early as episode one or two rather than further in to the season.

February 14, 2016

Valentine’s Day

Filed under: IT,Television,Unboxing — William_T_Goodall @ 15:18

Some presents I got today. Blu-Ray Firefly update from old DVD set and a box from the Pi-Hut with 7-port hub.


July 8, 2015

Penny Dreadful and Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell

Filed under: Books,Television — William_T_Goodall @ 19:13

These both finished seasons recently so I thought I would comment on them. I much preferred Penny Dreadful of the two. It had a better cast, better writing, better production values and much better acting, direction and photography. JS&MN clearly suffered from a limited budget compared to PD. JS&MN had few and unspectacular special effects shots whereas in the finale of season two of PD they had Titanic scale visualisations of three different vessels at sea (did they get a three-for-one deal?) just to show three of the characters departing.

The darker and more adult tone of PD would have served JS&MN better than the whimsical BBC-costume approach they took. JS&MN had limited sets and locations some of which (faery in particular) looked very poor. The directing and photography of JS&MN was very basic compared to PD, and some of the acting was in bizarrely different register to the rest. Many of the problems with JS&MN could be attributed to lack of money, but it is surprising that the BBC cannot make genre drama as handsomely as Showtime. Of course the BBC has a long record of being bad at genre so this disappointment isn’t so surprising.


Filed under: Books,Game Of Thrones,Television — William_T_Goodall @ 18:59

My predictions for the Game of Thrones finale were pretty accurate. There are many popular fan theories about what happens next and it seems certain that we will find out the truth of these early next season. I’m not hugely invested in any of them myself but I do think the most obvious is that Melisandre revives Jon Snow. The timing of having her arrive at Castle Black could be a tease of course. Jon Snow as a warged dire-wolf for the last two seasons seems unlikely.

June 9, 2015

Penultimate Predictions

Filed under: Books,Game Of Thrones,Television — William_T_Goodall @ 10:50

Just one episode to go in Game of Thrones season five and some of my predictions have been correct. What’s left for the final episode?

Dany did fly on Drogon in ep 9 so I called that OK. It now looks like Arya’s killing Meryn Trant and blinding is still going to be included but in ep 10 rather than ep 9 as I previously predicted. It looks like my other two predictions (Cersei’s shaming and Jon Snow’s stabbing) are definitely on for ep 10 as well. It looks like they have some other stuff with Sansa/Boltons/Brienne lined up too. That will be a crowded episode.

Shireen’s immolation wasn’t something I had predicted and I expect there will be other major events in the final episode that I also didn’t predict. With Jorah surviving the coliseum battle but doomed by greyscale he could die anytime. And next season – well that will be all unknown all the time!

June 4, 2015

Revisiting predictions for Game of Thrones season five

Filed under: Books,Game Of Thrones,Television — William_T_Goodall @ 10:23

I previously made some predictions about major book storylines that might make it into this season of the TV show. With just two episodes remaining it looks like I wasn’t too far off.

From the published details of the final two episodes it appears that the betrayal and stabbing of Jon Snow will be in the final episode as will Cersei’s walk of shame. Daenerys’ flight on Drogon will be either in ep 9 or 10 and Arya’s blinding (if it happens this season) will be in ep 9.

So after ep 9 it will be pretty clear what is left for the finale!

May 20, 2015

Thoughts on Game of Thrones Season Five

Filed under: Books,Game Of Thrones,Television — William_T_Goodall @ 18:16

With four episodes left in season five I count at least three major events from the books that could make it into this season, maybe four. I’m pretty sure at least two of them will. Spoilers ahead.

So what are these events?

  • The betrayal and stabbing of Jon Snow
  • The blinding of Arya
  • Cersei’s shaming
  • Daenerys flying on Drogon

It seems certain that the third of these has been filmed and so will definitely appear. It seems very likely that the betrayal of Jon Snow will feature in episode 10 and that more than one major event will feature in that episode. It seems likely that at least one of the events on the list will appear in an earlier episode leaving one or more of the others to also appear in episode 10. Given that the series has moved past and deviated from the books to some extent there is scope for at least one other major event that isn’t in the books. I won’t have to wait long to find out if I’m right.

April 1, 2015

Speculations before season five of Game of Thrones

Filed under: Books,Game Of Thrones,Television — William_T_Goodall @ 16:50

I just finished watching the blu-ray of season 4 and have of course been reading the rumours and such. As I mentioned in a previous post the stuff that Benioff and Weiss are leaving out is a huge clue itself since that can be taken to mean that those plot lines don’t really matter to the culmination of the story (which we assume is the same as planned for the books). Not every character who dies before the end has to die at the same time and place or way but (presumably) every character who survives to play some role in the ending of the story has to live and get there somehow.

Lady coldhands is out. The Iron Islands/dragons plot appears to be out. A character who is still alive in the books dies in season five indicating that their story line ultimately fizzles out anyway.

Then we have characters who don’t appear to be crucially important but whose story lines have been kept alive in the TV series indicating that they must be after all (although maybe one such story line is a red herring several would be too much).

Sansa Stark
Theon Greyjoy
Jorah Mormont

Characters who might die in season five

Brienne of Tarth
Samwell Tarly
Jorah Mormont

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