“For the eleventh time, Inkwell rings in the New Year with a visit from Bruce Sterling, to address the State of the World and Things Various and Sundry…” Always good fun. [From Bruce Sterling’s State Of The World 2010]
January 3, 2010
Bruce Sterling’s State Of The World 2010
December 23, 2009
Software development’s winners and losers, 2009 edition
In 2009, the computers got smaller, the databases got bigger, and HTML’s dominance grew. None of these trends are new, and some of these changes are as old as computers themselves, but the magnitudes are greater or smaller than ever before. Here are the winners and losers we spotted on the software development landscape in 2009. For the programmers, alas, many of the year’s ups had downsides. [From Software development’s winners and losers, 2009 edition]
Pontification and punditry for the end of the year. Some good points, some interesting links.
December 4, 2009
New Google Tools Help Speed Up Your Website
New Google Tools Help Speed Up Your Website: “Google releases a new, experimental set of webmaster tools for testing webpage load times. Now that nearly everyone has a blog or a website, site owners should pay attention to tools like these, as they are insightful and easy to use.
(Via Wired Top Stories.)
I’ll have to give these a try.