This is our third Tassimo machine. It was on sale at Amazon for £49.99 and the second Tassimo machine was a bit worn.
May 8, 2015
Amazon parcel including new gas lift for office chair, rubber mallet for removing old gas lift, pyrex bowl and Tassimo descaling tablets. The minimum order for free delivery went up from £10 to £20 as I was assembling this order which explains the odd mixture of stuff. I also am switching from using ecto for blogging to using MacJournal as ecto hasn’t been updated to support the change from iPhoto to Photo and so I can’t easily post photos from it anymore. MacJournal does support Photo. On the other hand it doesn’t seem to allow me to write html directly so I’ll need to look into that. I actually got MacJournal as part of a large software bundle I bought for another piece of software and hadn’t intended to use it – and now it’s turned out useful!
New gas lift
Got a new gas lift for the office chair. Fitting it was slightly harder than the youtube videos made it look and as well as a rubber mallet I needed a mole wrench, hex key and needle-nose pliers. Still, it only took about twenty minutes and I had a seat that went up higher than before and shouldn’t randomly collapse on me 🙂