William Goodall's Blog Occasional mutterings

December 22, 2009

Will developers be the next battleground in smartphones?

Filed under: Apple,iOS,IT,Microsoft — William_T_Goodall @ 15:11

A couple of weeks ago, Gartner issued a market report indicating that Microsoft’s share of the smartphone market had fallen to less than 8 percent in the last year, while Apple and RIM both made significant gains. Microsoft is at risk of falling into last place in mobile phones if it doesn’t do something about it. So what’s the one strength Microsoft can bring to the table? [From Will developers be the next battleground in smartphones?]

Commercial developers follow the money, and there’s little money in Microsoft mobile compared to iPhone. FOSS developers develop for Android first and Microsoft last.

More Security

Filed under: DIY,Greyhounds — William_T_Goodall @ 12:48


See Security

Snow Today

Filed under: Greyhounds,Holidays,Trivia — William_T_Goodall @ 12:42

IMG_5025.JPG copy

Looks like the car might not be going anywhere for a few days.


But the dogs like bounding around in it.

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